An Attempt at Poetry


Inspired by Tom Being Tom, and encouraged by Susan at Floweringink, here is my inaugural (and very possibly only) attempt at poetry


In a restless void

With no compass or sextant

To guide me


From life’s normalcy 

Without pity or remorse

Those shores are distant

Never to return


Unknown and alien

No sails unfurled 

No charted course

On an endless sea


Angry bruises

Swallow my horizon

Foreshadow the tempest

Of a raging gale


Will capsize my ship

An indulgent luxury

Its charm seductive

Its consequences tragic

So tempting


Surrendering the rudder

I lay on the deck

Close my eyes

Let go of the fear

Yearn for the sun’s embrace

The glory of a new day

And destiny

Author: Steve Markesich

I am loving husband, a doting father, a Red Sox fanatic, an aspiring novelist and MS advocate. Feel free to check out my web site.

30 thoughts on “An Attempt at Poetry”

  1. Steve, this is the first thing I am reading this morning and it has set a tone of pure inspiration for my day! Your poem is beautiful. It is metaphor as it is meant to be. It flows and breathes and aches. I am so glad that you decided to test these waters. This line, “Angry bruises swallow my horizon” has incredible impact and will stay with me. I am incredibly impressed, but not surprised; you never fail to impress. Beautiful job! I borrowed Tom’s suggestion and have made a file for the WP collection of poems; I am thrilled to be able to add yours today!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Susan. It was a challenge but an enjoyable one. The one thing I did learn is not to attempt it until I have the proper mood or inspiration, and it made me appreciate your art even more. I can see dabbling in this from time to time. Thanks for your encouragement. I didn’t want to disappoint.

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  2. Steve, it is marvelous! It had a rhythm to it that just worked for me; perfectly flowing. You have a knack for it: a creative brain, an open heart, and a willingness to work and persevere. I had no doubts you’d excel!

    Liked by 1 person

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