What’s Your Story?

My story

Tom Being Tom’s recent post  which described himself in a paragraph, and requested to all who read it to share their own, got me thinking. I didn’t consider the task a dare or a challenge, but instead thought how difficult it is to try and describe the core nature of our being in a single paragraph. I am also a tad competitive (by the way Tom, I have gained 0.5 lbs. since we last compared notes), which is why I am giving this a whirl. Here it is:

I am the sum of my life experiences, constantly evolving, always seeking to learn and striving to reconcile my inherent contradictions. I am an adult and a child, a fiscal conservative with the mind of a capitalist who is socially liberal, has the soul of an artist,  and strongly believes we should do everything we can to protect our planet’s environment.  I am a sinner and a saint who believes in a greater power within the universe without being tethered to a particular religion.  I value friendships and am loyal to a fault, but am more of a loner than an extrovert, and am much harder on himself than of others. I believe in the golden rule and treat people the way I want to be treated, but am much more critical of myself than I am of others (unless you happen to be a politician). An eternal optimist (you had to be if you were Red Sox fan from 1967-2003) who does not discourage easily, my glass is always half-full,  yet I fear for our future given our current political climate. I would rather be an hour early than five minutes late to anything, and the greatest compliment I can receive is when someone describes me as a “good guy.” I am both open-minded/flexible and extremely stubborn, and would much rather give than receive. But I do like receiving. I am on the downhill side of life but still do not know what I want to be when I grow up.

Your turn.


Author: Steve Markesich

I am loving husband, a doting father, a Red Sox fanatic, an aspiring novelist and MS advocate. Feel free to check out my stevemarkesich.com web site.

17 thoughts on “What’s Your Story?”

    1. You stole my thought, Grace. A great guy, indeed.

      Love the ending. That makes two of us…at least.
      You know, we have so much in common, Steve, except for that ‘fiscal conservative’ thing. Told you never to befriend a Serb. We always pay (dearly), which is good for you, not always for us.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I was referring mostly to what this country and my state needs to do. We waste so much money on stupid fucking shit it’s nauseating. I just believe we need to live within our means, which seems to be a foreign concept these days. Maybe I am right of center in that, but not for anything else

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Wonderfully rendered, my good man! You actually took it to a level I never could. I dare anyone to click the link below to my latest and tell me I actually wrote a paragraph in there that actually summed me up. 🤣 I intended to, but rambled around in paragraph after paragraph, instead. As Sawyer said “I’m a complex guy, sweetheart!”

    Good job, Steve. You are all that, as I see it, and more. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

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